Shakes at the mall
After church Ben dropped me off at the mall while he ran an errand. I walked around and around for almost and hour before he was back. By that time it was almost 2pm so we figured we’d have lunch. The whole time I was walking by myself everything looked so tempting, but I didn’t …
Tofu Shirataki Noodles
I came home from KB starving and considered making a quick sandwich for lunch. But, I remembered that I gotten stir-fry veggies and needed to cook them. I work late tonight so I made them for lunch! I cooked the veggies up with some rotisserie chicken and peanut sauce. Then, I added the noodles. Moje …
Jablká, ako aj pamiatky
Najlepšie fotografie z dnešného dňa nezahŕňajú jedlo. No, je tu jedna fotografia, ktorá si užívam jablko v pamätníku druhej svetovej vojny … Okrem toho to bolo všetko o pamiatkach! Môj brat, Michael, nebol schopný ísť v auguste, keď prišla moja matka a Matt, takže sme urobili niekoľko rovnakých vecí. Rovnako ako Lincoln Memorial … Moje …
Weight Loss Wednesday– poor suggestions
Hello! This morning I stopped at the health and wellness food store for a few new protein powder options. I am still very in like with my preferred Spirutein Cherries Jubilee powder, however it has soy protein. I’m trying to cut back on soy because I discovered out I have a low T-3 thyroid (supposedly …
Turkey Trot 10K training plan
Hello! next week marks 10 weeks until my favorite day of the year = Thanksgiving. And it also marks 10 weeks until one of the most popular race days of the year. Turkey Trots are fun runs used all around the US. It’s probably the 2nd a lot of popular race day of the year …
ANNOUNCEMENT: I’ve made a decision to Freeze My Eggs
I’ve made a decision to freeze my eggs. (It’s also called fertility preservation or oocyte cryopreservation or elective egg freezing.) After really struggling with whether or not I must do it – I had this light-bulb moment the other day and realized I must choose it. (I’ll share what made me decide to do it …
Snow Day
Je to tu snehová kalpsa! Naozaj, skutočne neuveriteľné. Všetky inštitúcie v okolí sú tu zatvorené, Ben má snehový deň z práce a stále klesá. Na druhej strane, vidím každý kúsok snehovej vločky ako ešte jeden dôvod, prečo sa za pár mesiacov presúvam na teplejšie podnebie? Chcem zasiahnuť telocvičňu, je to však v druhej budove, pretože …
Mint Chocolate Chip Yogurt
Našiel som tento jogurt v obchode v piatok – Breyer’s Mint Chocolate Chip a musel som to vyskúšať. Milujem zmrzlinu Mint & Chip a dúfal som, že to bude také chutné. Vedel som, že to bude dosah, ale myslel som si, že urobím výstrel. Bolo to OK. Chutí trochu umelé a nie je to zmrzlina, …
February difficulty
In the beginning of the year I decided to make 2010 My Healthiest Year yet by working on one healthy habit each month. The aim was that by December I would be healthier than ever! This year I likewise went back to being vegetarian* so January was devoted to Mexican Meatless Mondays. I made Black …
How Did You make it through divorce – genuine tips That assisted Me
tips for getting with divorce or breakup. this week I got an important concern on the @RunEatRepeat Instagram story box… “What assisted you get with / distract you from your divorce while training?” Ugh. This makes me sad. I don’t desire heartbreak of any type of kind on anyone ever. So I responded to it …