After church Ben dropped me off at the mall while he ran an errand. I walked around and around for almost and hour before he was back. By that time it was almost 2pm so we figured we’d have lunch. The whole time I was walking by myself everything looked so tempting, but I didn’t think I was hungry since I had a big breakfast.
But, when we started eating Ben noticed that I was shaking – a lot. I did feel very shaky, but it makes me self-conscious so I try to ignore or hide it most of the time. My body was trying to tell me something was off, but since I’m still learning how to read my hunger I wasn’t listening. I must have had low blood sugar or something. Hmmm, I obviously need to be more aware of my body.
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Face Mask for Running or walking outside TIPS
In other news…the lady at the Asian food counter said they had brown rice so I told Ben that’s where I wanted to eat. Objednal. Then, I ordered and it turns out by brown rice they mean fried rice. F-word. since they already served Ben his food I didn’t want to opt out and go somewhere else (this was the best choice at that tragic food court as it was). So, I got tofu, veggies and white rice. You do the best with what you’ve got.
Oh, and as soon as Ben joined me he got this Boba almond tea and I had a drink or two. It feels like we’re in Irvine again ?
I woke up hungry today – I think it was partially due to de-hydration. I was super thirsty last night and did drink water, but not enough. I had a small bowl of cereal before doing 30 minutes of yoga. I bought this DVD recently. I love that it’s super slow paced. I haven’t done yoga consistently in a while and I’m not very good at it. This makes me like it again ?
Breakfast was French toast again. I am la-la-loving this meal! and for some reason I cannot get enough PB either! I am loving this Flax plus PB stuff after all (at first not so much).For some reason I just feel shaky today, and it’s not because of too much caffeine because I can drink a big Gulp of diet Coke no problem. I might be a goner. Well, it was nice knowing you all… I’m off to chug some water since I just ate a SB bar and still feel hungry!
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