7 secrets to Run Your best virtual Race part 2 – Podcast 124

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Do you have a virtual race coming up? Or are you thinking about running one?? Here’s how to show up and really run your best Race. This is part 2 in our series about virtual Races. If this’s your first time listening or you missed it – check out the previous episode for 7 steps to get ready for a virtual Race podcast 123. It’ll help you train and prepare for the distance.

Say ‘Hi!’ and chime in sharing your run for today with @RunEatRepeat on Instagram 

Get the 7 suggestions checklist on RunEatRepeat.com

Today we’re talking about how to RUN YOUR best virtual RACE. and to get started – let’s warm up!

Since this is part 2 of the virtual Race series we’ll keep the warm up quick…
2 things:

1. What are you training for? Chime in on this @RunEatRepeat Instagram post!
If you’re already registered and training for a race – please chime in on yesterday’s IG post with which race so everyone in the community can help support and encourage each other.

Bonus: It’ll help you stay accountable!!

2. changing my long Run Day!
I’ve chose to change my long run day to mid-week. This might seem like no big deal but, I’ve been running long on the weekends, typically Saturday for 10 years now. I feel like I’m so trained to have that as a long run day it’s going to make me dizzy and confused – like I have a sorta jet lag, but for running??

I’ve tried to change my long run to Fridays in the past and it never really stuck. but I’m giving it another try because with the COVID19 social distancing guidelines and restrictions – a lot of public parks and paths have been closed for months. now that they’re opening up and people have major quarantine fatigue – it seems like there are much more people out taking walks and on bikes on the weekends.

As someone who has run weekdays and weekends in the same areas I’m running now for years  – I’ve discovered there are a lot much more people out walking. I think that’s great!

But, even though these places are open for activity we’re still expected to keep a physical distance of at least 6 feet. That’s in some cases impossible when there are a lot of people out. and there are a lot of different guidelines about face coverings depending on the area.

It seems like the most common guideline is – if you’ll be in a situation where other people will be closer than 6 feet from you – you ought to wear a mask. So I’d certainly rather avoid having to wear a mask to run if it’s safe to do so and running on a day that will have less people around is a good idea for me best now.
I’m not saying any of this to tell you how or when to run – do what’s best for you. and I realize not everyone can change up their long run day.

I have the freedom to switch this up because I work from home and don’t have a partner or kids to consider into this mix. I’m sharing this because I think it’s going to be sooooooo strange and I feel like I’m about to try and switch my routine in a way that’s going to feel like I’m trying to make myself nocturnal or something. I think I’m on the spectrum of some anxiety situation because change like this (or any change actually)  makes me very anxious. [1 minor example: I refused to go to my 8th grade graduation because I was having a complete meltdown about the change, even though 86% of my pals were going to HS with me.]

It’s weird, I know.

Luckily running helps me feel better…

Question: What day is your long run? Chime in on Instagram @RunEatRepeat 

7 suggestions to RUN you best virtual Race

7 suggestions to RUN Your best virtual Race – You Can also listen to the suggestions on the Run eat Repeat Podcast episode 124.

And I created a checklist you can screenshot or print out – for an easy way to double check that you’re hitting every one.
This is part 2 in the podcast series about virtual races.

If you want the steps to get ready for a virtual race listen to the previous episode – Run eat Repeat Podcast 123

If you don’t know what a virtual Race is or just want much more info start here: What’s a virtual Race and how Do You Run One? 

How to Run your best virtual Race

1.Treat the race like a RACE. 

Your results are directly related to your hard work. We’re told over and over that running is 80% mindset and 20% physical training – so it’s essential that you think about it like an officially timed race. You have to respect the distance and do the work if yoy want to walk away knowing you really gave it your best effort. [Take it seriously. Prepare and Train like it’s a race. tell people about it. Do the work.]

2. plan the Race – Day/Time and Route.

If possible – make it a route where the finish line is somewhere fun/note-able.  Be sure it’s the best distance and that it’s clear tobeh. V prípade potreby skontrolujte nadmorskú výšku. V prípade potreby ju jazdte po trase, spustite ju alebo na bicykli. Akonáhle je to všetko nastavené – povedzte o tom ľuďom. Ak sú vaša rodina alebo kamaráti zvyčajne diváci – zdieľajte to s nimi a požiadajte ich, aby sa s vami stretli v konci (ak je to možné) alebo vás skontrolujte.

Bonus: Nakreslite cieľovú čiaru v noci predtým s kriedou. Vyplavte svoju trasu pretekov.

3. Pripravte sa na deň pretekov.

Urobte všetky svoje typické rituály pred pretekmi. Uložte si oblečenie večer predtým. Získajte svoje šťastné kúzlo. Máte typické rutiny pred pretekmi. Urobte vizualizačné cvičenie. Pripomeňte si svoje pozitívne mantry a všetky tréningy, ktoré ste urobili.

4. Vytvorte zoznam skladieb pretekov.

Ak počas spustenia nepočúvate hudbu – zoznam skladieb, ktorý vás napumpuje a je nadšený, keď sa pripravujete, môže vám tiež pomôcť!

5. Fuant Up Smart! Pripravte si svoje telo na to, aby ste spustili najlepšie preteky tým, že mu poskytne dostatok jedla a hydratácie vedúcej k závodu. Poháňajte sa ako športovec. Podporte svoje telo, aby ste bežali silne a cítili sa dobre. Uistite sa, že jete a pijete to, čo potrebujete, aby ste mali najlepší závod v noci pred a dňom.

6. Prineste hydratáciu a palivo

Naplánujte si, čo budete jesť a piť počas závodu. Uistite sa, že to máte po ruke. a naplánujte sa hydratácia a/alebo zastávky paliva pozdĺž trasy.

Keďže prevádzkujete virtuálny závod – nebudete mať výhoda pomocných staníc, napríklad v konvenčných pretekoch. Takže musíte naplánovať, ako/kedy/kde dostanete palivo a hydratáciu. Tu je niekoľko návrhov, ako jesť a piť počas virtuálnej rasy.

Bonus: Tieto návrhy tiež fungujú pre dlhé školiace behy!

Virtuálne preteky a možnosti paliva:

Nosiť všetko, čo potrebujete. Pravdepodobne si to vyžaduje ručnú fľašu s vodou, palivový remeň alebo hydratačné balenie a bežecké palivo vo vreckách alebo v pásme.

Nosiť palivo a hydratáciu a plánovanie naplnenia po trase alebo vykonať von a dozadu, aby ste sa mohli zastaviť späť domov alebo svoj automobil, aby ste sa mohli doplniť.

Získanie paliva a hydratácie po ceste. Plánujte a pripravte všetko, čo budete jesť a piť, aby ste boli pripravení a ľahko sa dostali a odchádzali počas rýchlej zastávky. Možno to dokážete zastaviť doma, váš automobil alebo dom suseda (dajte im palivo skôr, aby ste sa len neobjavili a požiadali o banán o 7:00 z modrej). Ďalšou možnosťou je priniesť peniaze a naraziť do obchodu na kúpu nápoja a jedla (navrhujem Slurpee od 7-11 !! choďte veľký.).

7. Urobte maximum.

Snaž sa. SNAŽ SA. Prečítajte si to znova a povedzte si znova a znova, čo vedie k závodu a počas závodu. Ste tu, aby ste urobili maximum s tým, čo máte dnes.

Ukázať sa. prinútiť sa. Žiadne „do-overov“. Toto je závod, na ktorý ste trénovali – dajte mu všetko, čo máte ten deň.

Moje najobľúbenejšie palivové pásy, vodné lesy a palivo:

Clif Shot Energy Gel – Variety Pack

Clif Shot Blocks Energy Chews – Variety Pack

Margarita Shot Blocks

Nathan ručná mäkká banka 18oz

Ženský beh Nathan Waistpack (palivový pás)

Pánsky beh Nathan Waistpack

Dnešné ocenenia:

1. miesto: Watermelon. Moje obľúbené jedlo #1 je v sezóne a všetky z nich kupujem, takže toto je vaša hlava hore.

*Ak ste to ešte predtým nevideli … Prezrite si moje, ako odrezať vodné melóny – je to veľmi rýchle a ľahké !!

2. miesto: Nožnice-sú lacné a ja som sa rozhodol dať ich všade. Všade.

3. miesto: Soda prúd

Zobraziť poznámky a oveľa viac informácií sú na runEatrepeat.com

Skontrolujte, či sa dnes môžete cvičiť a na Instagrame označte @runeATrepeat, aby sme sa mohli pripojiť!

Ak máte akékoľvek otázky alebo požiadavky na tému – e -mail alebo DM @runeATrepeat na Instagrame!

Ak máte nejaký čas – hodnotia a skontrolujte túto šou. It really helps and I really appreciate it.

Ďakujeme za počúvanie! Majte úžasné!

Otázka: Aký deň je váš dlhodobý? Zazvonenie na Instagrame @runeAtrepeat

Viac návrhov na spustenie virtuálnych pretekov:

How to stay motivated & Train for a virtual Race – Podcast 123 (part 1 of virtual Race series)

What’s a virtual Race and how Do You Run One?

Neustále si ich vyberte:

June workout calendar for Runners totally free printable 

4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners

What to do if your race is cancelled 

How to cut a Watermelon tutorial

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram to connect daily, get motivated and stay accountable!
You can get much more Running Tips, training Plans, Recipes and much more on RunEatRepeat.com 



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